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iAiB iCiD iEiF iGiH iIiJ iKiL iMiN iOiP iQiR iSiT iUiV iWiX iYiZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
VV hitech industries +ovals 35
W WAGHELA industries 7
WARNER industries 6
WESTON industries 7
ci CHINTAMANI industries 6
j.k. industries 7
jai KISHAN industries 35
k. REHAL industries 7
n.k. industries NKI +circle 3
p PROWESS industries 7
r RAKA industries fusion 9
r REMSONS industries 9
right metal industries 12
s SANGAM plastic industries 25
s.k. chemical industries 1
industries 35
industries 31
shree GURU industries 30
shree SHARAN industries 31
shree SHRAN industries 31
shri RAM 30 industries 19
v VARDHMAN industries 7
v VINTAGES industries +oval 23
v.s. auto industries 12
weld POINT india industries 7
zh SANYO industries +oval 6
MAN MIRS'S food industrry 29
industry 2.0 16
industry professional (IPAC 35
BA industry +leaf 5
EVERLAST wire industry +ova 9
GLORY knitting industry 25
IMI indian music industry 9, 16
JAP industry +circle 11
KALE industry solutions 16
MANS industry belgaum point 12
MM the industry magazine 9
NEOSYM industry limited 7
OVS industry 18, 24, 25, 35
PSPC safety in industry 9
R.K. hair industry 40
RFI RATHI fan industry 11
SIT-industry 9
STARS OF THE industry award 35
SURYA industry 20
r REWAAZ jewellery industry 14
student industry (SIIL) 41
vip VIMAL proteins industry 30
EVOLVE change is inevitable 25
infant GLORY 10
infant new born casual +bea 25
AMUL infant formula i 5
AMUL infant formula ii 5
BABY INC. infant wear +face 25
AVIYOG CAP reduce infection 5
STERIFORM infection control 35
shield against infection 10
AIRTEL inferno 38
AIRTEL inferno receiver 9
YASHODA infertility +oval 35
infinite MOCO 38, 41
GOPAL future infinite +star 35
MOOGA infinite MO CO 38, 41
OC infinite solutions 9
ZION infinite technologies 9
m infinite MO CO 38, 41
GOLD FLAKE infiniti +oval 14
infinity 4, 7, 12, 25, 39, 40
infinity & arc 9
infinity & arcs 9, 17, 35, 41
infinity & square 38
infinity symbol 9
AEZ infinity 36
AMEYO +infinity & square 38, 42
AREA 8 +infinity 4, 8, 11, 20, 21, 27, 28, 35
CHETTY & CO. +infinity 14
ENFINITY +infinity symbol 35, 39, 40
IGFS +infinity hearts & tre 36
INDC +infinity 41, 42
INFINITI +infinity 33
INFINITY +infinity 9, 41
MAXION +infinity & squares 12
RELIANCE infinity 9, 16
S SINFINITY +infinity 24, 26, 35
SC-INFINITE +infinity squar 41
SHU FIT +infinity 26
SPORTS CONNECT +infinity 25, 28, 35
TEXO.CC +infinity & arc 42
XUBER +infinity 9, 36, 42
new BLOSSOMS infinity 3, 16
IBUCOON anti-inflammatory 5
HAIKU inflation device 5
info DYNAMIC +stripes 37
info PLANET 42
info dimensions +oval & arc 9
EMERALD info tech +squares 42
KOTAK info tech 9
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